
Twenty-something sounds a little more put together than I see myself. Twenty-ish feels a little more accurate. Trying to shake loose the bad habit of saying “no” too much, avoid the quarter-life crisis and share those inevitable embarrassing moments that I can’t quite laugh about just yet. Can’t say I’ll be dishing out advice but if I only leave you with one piece, here it is: Don’t make bets you’re not ready to follow through with in the near future. That’s how Twenty-ish started.

7 thoughts on “About

  1. Kelly says:

    Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Visit here to find out what to do: http://kelhoward.wordpress.com/2013/08/26/the-trophy-case-liebster-award/. I have enjoyed reading your blog, so please keep it up! =)

  2. youngandtwenty says:

    Great purpose for a blog! I’ve found the up’s and down’s of being ‘twenty-ish’ something to document as well. Looking forward to reading more from you 🙂

    • Twenty-ish says:

      Thank you for stopping by!

      There is an endless amount of material on this decade. There’s so much, it’s impossible for any one person to cover it all! Glad to connect with others blogging about the same subject!

  3. Love your style and ideas for your blog! ❤ I am now a follower!! =)

  4. Love your blog so far. Excited to read more, from a fellow twenty-ish 🙂

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